We're Off To See Wakanda

If you haven't seen or heard about Marvel's Black Panther yet, I want you to log off this blog, leave the rock you've been living under, and go to the nearest movie theatre to see it. Seriously. However, if you know what I'm talking about, then you can relate. My husband and I did it up in full, Coming to America, ethnic thot, trap royalty regalia for the private screening we attended. Then I went back for a matinee just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'll probably volunteer to go, yet again, with some school kids too. After it's all said and done, seeing this movie 5-6 times won't be too many times in my book.

Red, black and green
sneakers cuz....
Peep the hair bling though.
This movie most certainly lived up to all of it's hype. Not only was it a great movie as far as story line, cinematics, and special effects were concerned, it was full of beautiful images of Africa for those of African descent. It made me proud to have these images of my people in media.

However, I would be remiss if I didn't point out all of the black girl magic displayed in this movie. The motto of black women in America has always seemed to be "F@#k it. I'll do it." Constantly saving everyone from themselves. Or at least trying to. We always seem to be the best at decision making in tough situations. Oh, how black girls were magic in Black Panther, let me count the ways....
  1. First up, Nakia. The newly crowned king of Wakanda's love interest. Yes, she was sent as a spy but she was not just observing, she was saving the people. Although we did not get much detail about her "mission", it looked as though she had inserted herself into the human trafficking operation and was freeing the helpless. That is, until her needy ex-boyfriend came to get her. LOL! And even after she was offered the throne, she declined. Essentially saying, yeah, this is nice but I have things to do. Nakia was beautiful, fearless and honorable. Just doing it. 
  2. Then we have Okoye. The general of Wakanda's royal army. Leading a band of bad-ass bald women warriors. She was wise and intuitive. Always calm, she never appeared to make decisions out of emotion. Always calculating and loyal. Even to the point of being willing to off her own man in order to save the people. 
  3. The one who stood out to me the most was Shuri, the genius princess of Wakanda. There were so many things about Shuri that I could relate to. Obviously, she was brilliant. But she was funny and relatable. Not your typical princess, she clearly wasn't fond of rules but would follow them when absolutely necessary. She was always tinkering with and finding ways to improve a process. That's what I'm talking about! WORK! 
My girl, Shuri!

Yes. There were other women in this movie with stand up rolls but these three were my favorite. 🤷🤷 They worked together to save Wakanda but they also helped the king see that the Wakandan way is not the best way for the sake of humanity and progress. So they helped to save the rest of the world too.

Seeing this imagery on the big screen, not only made me proud of my heritage but it was also confirmation that I am on the right path. I am free to do as I please, to develop new products, to improve what I have but also to help other's while I'm doing it. I'm so excited about the growth of Fancy Free Hair & Skin and the plans I have to save the Qmunity while I do it. I am so thankful for this blessing of an opportunity to help others. Yes, you can give someone a job but to help them believe in themselves enough to create opportunities for others is the real blessing.

Shameless Plug Alert:
Fancy Free Hair & Skin manufactures quality products for hair and skin, as well as provides natural hair consults for women who would like assistance on their natural hair journey. Our motto is "Keeping you chemical free." Visit our website, www.fancyfreehairandskin.com, to see a full range of our products and services. Sign up for our mailing list to receive natural hair tips and stay up to date on sales and the latest happenings with Fancy Free.


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