We're Official!

If you've been following us on social media for a while, you know that we did a thing. We expanded the Fancy Factory. Prior to March 2022, we had been operating on the first floor of my home. In 2020, Fancy Free Hair & Skin experienced exponential growth and outgrew our existing set up.
After lots of false starts and false stops, tears, complications, supply delays and everything you can imagine going wrong with a construction project, we FINALLY completed our Fancy Factory project in June 2022. Yes, we had moved into the space in March 2022 but our countertop and a few other items were on back order, pushing the completion date back. From start to finish, this project took over 12 months.

While everyone around me was saying I needed to celebrate, I did not want to. To me, planning a celebration just seemed like more work. As I dug deeper, I realized that I never celebrate myself and my accomplishments. As an overachiever, I'm simply doing the things that I'm supposed to do. To whom much is given, much is required. I tend to categorize the small victories as tasks that I've checked off of my to-do list along the way to reaching the big goals. Those big goals are SO big that they will take a while to reach. Delayed gratification of sorts. But, my sister circle always reminds me that completing tasks on the to-do list is a small win that needs to be celebrated. They also reminded me that this expansion of the Fancy Factory was no small feat and is indeed a big deal. Those reminders, plus my husband and event planner/cousin insisted that completed this project was a big deal and a ribbon cutting was required. Non-negotiable. So, I let them plan it. LOL!
The plans started off BIG! And I mean HUGE! Three days of events with blocking off the street, food trucks, marching bands and steel drum bands on the table. I am surrounded by captains of Team Do The Most. But I'm a small business owner and all of those things were NOT in the budget. We decided to scale it back, waaaayyyy back.
On September 9, 2022 at 7:15 pm, we officially revealed our 1800 sq. ft. of dedicated space as the Fancy Factory to a small group of our close friends, family, vendors and Fancy Friends. Being surrounded by so much love and encouragement was exactly what we needed. Exactly what EYE needed. I am so full. Thankful.
I couldn't have done it without you and your support. Thank you.
Click HERE to watch the recap video.