The Definition of Leadership
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of motivating people to move and work toward a common goal with enthusiasm with or without a title of authority. How can you recognize a leader in your life? How can you recognize the leader in yourself?
Leaders Listen More Than They Talk
Listening doesn't always mean hearing what people are saying or complaining about. You can listen with your eyes. Observing people work. Watching when people aren't working. Taking note tasks that stress people out. Usually, when someone is coming to leadership with an idea for improvement, it's a good idea. Why? It's coming from the people who are doing the work. They know what they are talking about because they are doing the work. Leaders will make changes according to suggestions from the team to help improve production. A leader will pay attention to signs of stress and step in to help without being asked. People are more willing to work with or for someone who values their advice.
Acknowledging The Team
One of the benefits of being the leader of a team is that when the team is successful, the leader gets most of the credit. However, it's the team that does most, if not, all the work. The leader is there to give structure, help with trouble shooting, and offer encouragement along the way. It is important to give credit where credit is due. A team is more willing to continue to work and follow your instruction when the leader is able to make to show appreciation. A coach instructs his team on what plays to run and when to run them. The players actually run the play to win the game.
Hold Yourself Just As Accountable As You Hold The Team
True leadership will not make any exceptions for himself. As a leader, you set the tone for how your team is functioning. When the leader does what they say they are going to do, the team follows suit. A leader publicly owns up to any mistakes and makes a plan to fix it. Leaders follow through with commitment, even when it is difficult. The team can count on their leader to keep their word, therefor the team keeps their word.
Telling vs. Showing
You ever notice that when there is an authority that start barks orders, no one listens? And if they do listen, it's begrudgingly? A great leader will show the group what to do. Leading by example creates team morale. A group is more enthusiastic about working along a great person than working for someone who does not show that they know what it takes to get the job done. Being in charge is not about pushing people around, it's about getting people to work toward a common goal.
The dictionary defines a leader as a person in charge of a group or team but we know that all people in charge are not leaders. Leaders listen to verbal and non-verbal communications and make improvements for the better of the team. Leaders acknowledge the team's efforts when there are successes. Leaders are hold themselves accountable by follow through with commitments. Leaders will join the team and show them how to get the work done instead of just giving orders.
Fancy Free, LLC. helps everyday people reach their financial and personal goals through personal growth and leadership training. Call us at (410) 929-0302 to schedule your complimentary consultation.